In a nutshell

Master program: Specialist graduate professional study programme in Electrical Engineering
Degree: Professional Master of Electrical Engineering (M.Eng.)
Program structure: 4 semester fulltime
Requirements:: Completed undergraduate professional or university study programme in Electrical Engineering or Electronics with 180 ECTS credits and proven proficiency in English
Accreditation: accredited by The Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE)
Language of instruction: English
Application: Contact us
Deadline: June 30th
Tuition fees: 3,600 EUR per year
Flyer: MiEE
Department: The University Department of Professional Studies at the University of Split
Program director: Tonko Kovačević, PhD, college professor
Program details: Specialist graduate professional study program in Electrical Engineering


All areas of electrical engineering develop enormously, requiring the level of knowledge and skills to be constantly increased. New products and technologies appear constantly while the time for their development gets shorter. The needs of the labour market open up space for
people with knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics as well as a number of other technical branches.

The concept of Specialist graduate professional study programme in Electrical Engineering implies acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, and the adoption of modern methods, techniques and tools needed for the design, development and implementation of various electrical and electronic devices and systems, communication and industrial systems.

This can be accomplished through a variety of courses covering the required number of hours for lectures, seminars and exercises as well as many hours of practical work within the proposed study programme.

Structure of the program

The study lasts two years (4 semesters) and is organized as follows:

  • The first semester of 30 ECTS credits consists of 4 mandatory courses from the STEM area and one elective course in the field of communication skills and foreign languages.
  • The second and the third semester have 60 ECTS credits and consist of 3 mandatory courses and two electives per semester. The students choose two courses of four offered per semester. The students, in agreement with the mentor, can also choose courses from other faculties and departments of the University of Split that are performed in English and compliant with the study programme.
  • In the fourth semester of 30 ECTS credits the students adopt the knowledge on conducting professional documentation and reporting, perform the professional practice and make the diploma thesis.

The student who has gained all 60 ECTS credits in the previous year enrols the full year (new 60 ECTS credits). If the student has gained less than 60 ECTS credits, he/she has to enrol all failed courses from the previous year (X ECTS) and courses of the second year (60-X ECTS credits) according to mentor’s recommendation. In addition to the mid-term and partial exam during the semester there are four final exam terms for each course.

Grading and evaluating student work

Grading and evaluating student work in class and at the final exam is according with the Croatian national grading system. The success of students in examinations and other tests of knowledge are estimated with five grades with numerical equivalents: outstanding (5); very good (4); good (3); sufficient (2); fail (1).
This rating system is compared with the ECTS grading scheme as follows: 5=A, A=5; 4=B, B=4; 3=C, C=3; 2=D, D=2; 1=F,FX, F,FX=1. An average grade is an arithmetical mean of all grades rounded to three digits, while the weighted average grade is weighted mean of all grades rounded to three digits, where ECTS – credits are used as a weight. The minimum passing grade is sufficient (2). There are no intermediate grades in the Croatian grading scheme.

Continuous testing indicators are:

  • Class attendance and participation
  • Laboratory work
  • Laboratory mid-term exam and research report
  • First mid-term exam
  • Second mid-term exam.

Students that have not passed course through mid-term exams need to attend final exams. Final exams are carried out in written and/or oral form and consist of theoretical and practical part of lectures and exercises. There are four final exam terms (makeup exams are third and fourth exam term).

The diploma thesis is selected by the student in agreement with the mentor with the approval of the head of the study. After completing all the prescribed exams and successful completion of the professional practice within the study programme, the diploma thesis being approved by the mentor, the student can access the diploma exam. The diploma exam is public and the student can access it after writing the diploma thesis. The examination committee consists of three members of the teaching staff, and the chair of the committee is the mentor. The mentor of the diploma thesis arranges the term of the diploma exam in agreement with the student and with the members of the committee.

Quality assurance

Keeping with the European standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance in higher education institutions (according to “Standards and Guidelines of Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area”) on the basis of which the University of Split defines procedures for quality assurance, the proposer of the study programme is obliged to draw up a plan of procedures of study programme quality assurance.

Quality assurance methods that ensure the acquisition of exit competences:

  • Class attendance and student performance record (teacher).
  • Keeping course syllabi updated (teacher).
  • Monitoring of teachers’ classroom performance (Assistant to the Head for Education at the University Department of Professional Studies, Heads of Departments).
  • Continuous quality assessment of all indicators of the teaching process as determined by Action Plans (Assistant to the Head for Quality Assurance).
  • Student Survey conducted per semester in accordance with the Regulations on procedure of student evaluation of the quality of teachers and teaching (University of Split Quality Enhancement Centre).

Informing external parties on the study programme (students, employers, alums) includes Information on the web pages of the Department, brochures issued by the Department, workshops and fairs attended by teachers and students of the Department.

Enrolment requirements and admission procedure

You need to have:

  • Completed undergraduate professional or university study programme in Electrical Engineering or Electronics with 180 ECTS credits.
  • English proficiency proven by a relevant mark in one of the following tests: UNIcertR II, TOEFL 513, TOEFL CBT (Computer Based Test) 183, IELTS 6.0. or B2 Level according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Or you can prove equivalent knowledge e.g. by a bachelor study programme entirely taught in the English language.


Required documents are:

  • scanned copies of all of your diplomas
  • scanned copies of transcripts of grades
  • UNIcertR II, TOEFL 513, TOEFL CBT 183, IELTS 6.0. or B2 level according to CEFR scores for the English language
  • scanned copies of passport

Please note: During enrolment procedure you will have to present the originals. We will inform you via email, if you are eligible for our program.

Contact us

University Department
of Professional Studies

Kopilica 5
21000 Split

Please fill out the form below to contact us.
We would be happy to answer any questions you might have and provide you with further information.